Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

Today, Brooke helped me put the laundry into the washing machine. She loves to do everything that I do and is actually helping me with a lot of things.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Let's Get Wet

Cindy, Joe and I took Hunter and Brooke to the splashpad today. Hunter was a little timid for a while but he had a really good time. Brooke on the other hand got really adventurous running through the water.

Let me help Daddy

Joe was watering the lawn today and Brooke, the big girl that she is was desparate to help him. They both ended up soaking wet.


Brooke likes to drive her car around outside where there are a lot less road hazards.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2 year checkup

Today we went to see the doctor for Brooke's 2 year visit. She is healthy and happy. She is in the 90% for weight at 28 pounds and the 25% for height at 33 inches. According to the doc, she is doing great!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My 2nd Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Brooke's 2nd birthday. As you can see, the theme was Mickey Mouse. She had lots of fun opening up her presents.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hangin' at Poppy's

Yesterday we went to Poppy's to play in the pool which really means that Brooke sits on the top step and pours the water out of the pool. Her favorite thing is to push this little red car all over the yard. She calls it her wagon.

Friday, August 10, 2007


We took Brooke to Galveston and as soon as we hit the seawall and she could see the ocean, she said "cited" over and over again until we made our way to the beach. Still doesn't like to have the sand on her feet, but she had a great time playing in the waves. She has absolutely no fear of the water.

Friday, August 3, 2007

My little red wagon

Brooke loves to play in her wagon...she loves it more when I let her pull it around. Such a big wagon for such a little girl.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Everybody Jump!!!

Brooke finally got jumping down pat. Joe worked on it with her in the pool this weekend at Bill & April's. If you look close, her feet are off the ground.

My new chalkboard

Poppy built Brooke a new chalkboard and it had become her new favorite pastime. Now I wonder how I am going to keep chalky hand prints out of the rest of my house.