Friday, September 28, 2007

Mud Monsters

These two mud monsters, aka Brooke and Ben, had a great time at the beach. They loved it when Wendy poured mud all over them.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fun in the Sprinkler

Yesterday when Brooke woke from her nap, she was crying uncontrollably. The only thing that could get her to stop was the sprinkler. She loves to run away as the water comes near.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Is that a Baby Ruth floating in the tub?

I decided that I was going to let Brooke have a nice long bath today, so I grabbed my magazine and drink and went and sat in the bathroom with her while she played with all of her toys. She was having a great time and I was catching up with all of the new TV shows coming next week. All of a sudden I hear "uh-oh" and I look down and there are 4 little poops floating in the water with her. Joe had to come get her and do the whole bath thing again in our tub while I cleaned hers. This is a first for us and hopefully the last.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Playdoh is fun with Poppy

For the longest time, Brooke wanted nothing to do with Playdoh. She never wanted to touch it. I guess it just took Poppy to play with her.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Photo Session Take 2

Brooke was much better today and we have learned that a female must take her pics. As soon as a guy walked up to her with a camera, she started to scream. Here are a few of the best ones. The 2nd one is a face she makes when she when she isn't happy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Elmo makes it all better

Brooke got her first scraped knee today while we were walking to check the mail. The Elmo bandaid seems to have made it all better.

Dancing the day away

Brooke loves to dance...and today she actually let me video her for a few seconds. Her favorite music is hip-hop thanks to Yia Yia!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Saturday Kris and Riley came over to play. Sure is different for Brooke to play with a girl versus her usual playmates of Ben and Hunter. The girls had a great time playing in the kitchen and tasting all of the fake food. Boys or girls, some kids are all the same. They all love to play hide and seek in my curtains.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Are you ready for some football

Saturday, Matt and Joe went to the Aggie game and Brooke had to dress just like Daddy. Then he took her to BW3 to watch the first round of games on Sunday. She came home shouting FOOTBALL! She now recognizes it on TV and says FOOTBALL everytime she sees it. Joe has trained her well to like football!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

No more pictures

We tried to have Brooke's 2 year pictures taken today and after 45 minutes of crying and screaming, we decided to reschedule. The photographer was very patient with Brooke and showed her his camera, let her play with all the props in there and tried several different backgrounds. I guess we will try again next week.

Water, Water Everywhere

Poppy built Brooke a stepstool, so she can help me in the kitchen. Her favorite thing to do is to turn the water on and it goes everywhere! She is becoming quite independent. She can take her trash to the trash can and will put her dishes in the sink. She is growing up so fast.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Down and Dirty

While we were celebrating our 7 year anniversary in Lake Charles, Brooke stayed with Poppy and Yia Yia. They took her to the beach and my little princess who says "dirty" anytime a speck of dirt is on her, was covered from head to toe in mud.