Friday, November 23, 2007

To Hell in a Handbasket

Which one is she...the devil or the angel? Depends on the day. In Cayman, there is a place called hell that actually has a post office so you can send cards postmarked from Hell.

Turtles, Turtles and more Turtles

Brooke ran around like a crazy person trying to see all of the turtles at the turtle farm. She loved that you could touch them.

All in the Family

Brooke will be the only one with healthy skin in the future. As I was rubbing her down with 50 SPF every day, the rest of us were trying to get as much sun as possible.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

We spent Thanksgiving with the Looneys and they have a son, Joey, that is just a little bit older than Brooke. They both had a blast running around in the backyard playing tag and hide and seek.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Beach Bum

Brooke spent everyday in the Caymans on the beach and loved every minute of it.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Playing on the Beach

If a picture says a thousand words, then this video is priceless...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

First in the Water

Brooke wanted to be the first in the water, so as soon as we pulled up to the condo she jumped right out of the car and headed to the ocean. She wanted to stay and play even after the sun went down and it was pitch black outside. She was soaked from head to toe by the time we made it inside.

I'll show you Elmo

Brooke did really well on the plane. When we were starting to land she wanted to show Elmo the clouds.

A Day at the Zoo

We spent Friday at the zoo with the Mulholland's and had a great time. The funniest thing that happened was when Brooke fell and started crying, Ben went over to where she fell and laid down on the ground and started fake crying in sympathy for her. The kids loved seeing all the animals and especially loved the petting zoo.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Driving Around

Wendy and I took the kids shopping with us at Katy Mills Mall and they insisted that they drive the dumptruck.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Buckets of Fun

Wendy wanted this bucket for Ben's toys in the garage and when we pulled it out, they both insisted on getting in together.